Wound Care in Utah

wound care

If you are suffering from Diabetic Ulcers, Bed Sores or Chronic non-healing wounds and are looking for a Wound Care Clinic in Utah you’ve come to the right place.

Regenerative Wellnesses dedicated team of expert wound care professionals, specializes in chronic wound care treatments using a revolutionary allograft therapy; which promotes rapid and long-lasting healing for hard-to-treat wounds.

Contact us today to schedule your in office or at-home wound care consultation.

Wound Care in Utah

wound care

If you are suffering from Diabetic Ulcers, Bed Sores or Chronic non-healing wounds and are looking for a Wound Care Clinic in Utah you’ve come to the right place. Regenerative Wellnesses dedicated team of expert wound care professionals, specializes in chronic wound care treatments using a revolutionary allograft therapy; which promotes rapid and long-lasting healing for hard-to-treat wounds. Contact us today to schedule your in office or at-home wound care consultation.

Catherine P Almost Lost Her Foot

At 63 years of age with Type 1 Diabetes with an ulcer after trimming a corn on the bottom of her foot. Her primary care physician was ready to do an amputation of her foot until her husband brought her to the clinic.

She had extremely high blood sugars with a high fever and was disoriented. While in the hospital Catherine wound grew worse, threatening her overall health.

Catherine was very ill and the family worried that she would not survive the ordeal. After 3 months of wound care treatments with Dr. Warren using a biological dressing changes her foot was saved.

Two years after she functions well and has a functioning foot and stable blood sugars.

wound care treatment- before
wound care treatment- after

Catherine P Almost Lost Her Foot

At 63 years of age with Type 1 Diabetes with an ulcer after trimming a corn on the bottom of her foot. Her primary care physician was ready to do an amputation of her foot until her husband brought her to the clinic. She had extremely high blood sugars with a high fever and was disoriented. While in the hospital Catherine wound grew worse, threatening her overall health. Catherine was very ill and the family worried that she would not survive the ordeal. After 3 months of wound care treatments with Dr. Warren using a biological dressing changes her foot was saved. Two years after she functions well and has a functioning foot and stable blood sugars.

wound care treatment- before
wound care treatment-after

Biological Wound Care

diabetic wound care



Wounds, especially diabetic wounds, can be difficult to heal and can lead to serious complications such as infections and amputations.

Biological dressings, also known as bioactive dressings or skin substitutes, offer many benefits in the treatment of wounds.

At our clinic we will explore the benefits of biological dressings for wounds, especially diabetic wounds.

  • Promotes healing: Biological dressings can help to promote healing by providing a moist environment that supports the growth of new tissue. They can also release growth factors that stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and skin cells.

  • Reduces pain: Biological dressings can help to reduce pain by providing a barrier between the wound and the environment, which can reduce sensitivity to touch and temperature changes.

  • Prevents infections: Biological dressings can help to prevent infections by providing a barrier that prevents bacteria and other microorganisms from entering the wound.

  • Reduces scarring: Biological dressings can help to reduce scarring by promoting the growth of new tissue that is similar to the surrounding skin.

  • Easy to apply: Biological dressings are easy to apply and can be customized to fit the size and shape of the wound.


Wounds, especially diabetic wounds, can be difficult to heal and can lead to serious complications such as infections and amputations. Biological dressings, also known as bioactive dressings or skin substitutes, offer many benefits in the treatment of wounds. At our clinic we will explore the benefits of biological dressings for wounds, especially diabetic wounds.

diabetic wound care
  • Promotes healing: Biological dressings can help to promote healing by providing a moist environment that supports the growth of new tissue. They can also release growth factors that stimulate the formation of new blood vessels and skin cells.

  • Reduces pain: Biological dressings can help to reduce pain by providing a barrier between the wound and the environment, which can reduce sensitivity to touch and temperature changes.

  • Prevents infections: Biological dressings can help to prevent infections by providing a barrier that prevents bacteria and other microorganisms from entering the wound.

  • Reduces scarring: Biological dressings can help to reduce scarring by promoting the growth of new tissue that is similar to the surrounding skin.

  • Easy to apply: Biological dressings are easy to apply and can be customized to fit the size and shape of the wound.


Q: How Often Are My Appointments?

A: Typically wound care appointments are every 1-2 weeks and treatment can take up too 10 weeks.

Q: Should I Continue Using Other Creams And Ointments?

A: We encourage all patients to disclose any and all wound care regiments they are using. Other creams, gels, and ointments may counteract the use of an allographic wound cover.

Q: Can Nutrition Impact My Wound Care?

A: Did you know that a high protein diet can help a patient heal faster? Protein helps the body build muscle and skin. If patients have a low level of protein in their diet, this can inhibit, or prevent the proper healing. Another important component to support healing is hydration – getting lots of water and electrolytes into your body. Water takes nutrients to and from our cells that promote healing and it’s extremely important to ensure that a patient does not become dehydrated which can lead to complications. Always check with our clinical team for more nutritional information and questions regarding how to enhance healing.

Q: How Much Does It Cost To Receive An Allographic Wound Care At Regenerative Wellness?

A: Our advanced wound care utilizing FDA approved allograph techniques is fully covered by Medicare Part B.

Q: Is The Wound Care Painful?

A: We work very gently and cleanse each wound with a non-abrasive cleanser and take care avoid causing the patient any further discomfort.

Q: Comorbidities, Diabetes And Wound Care

A: When a person is diagnosed with two or more diseases, this is called Comorbidities. There is usually a significant impact on the patient’s health and opportunity for healing when comorbidities exist. If you suffer from comorbidities and have a chronic wound, we can help. Our care team is trained and educated in specifically addressing Diabetic Care and its influence on Wound Care.

Revive, Renew & Regenerate

Let us help you on your path to wellness




Let us help you on your path to wellness

.....4698 Highland Dr. Millcreek, Utah 84117


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